Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Shouting Into the Void

 In the thirteen and a half years that have passed since I began this blog (good gracious!), much has changed about the internet. Its fads fade to make way for new ones, and things that were once extremely common have gone the way of VHS tapes. One of which, I think, are blogs. Typical, 2010s blogs, like this one. I dropped off writing much some eight years ago, too busy with college and boys (well, one boy, my friend-->boyfriend-->fiancé-->husband) to write much, too preoccupied writing essays and love letters, planning weddings, and finding out that self-sufficient adults have to figure out what to prepare and eat every. single. day, all on their own-- and then clean up afterward. It's a lot!

Anyway, I digress. My reason for posting is to ask a question. Can anyone hear me? Is anybody out there? Have I lost all my followers to Twitter and Instagram and YouTube, Medium and Reddit and Substack, and whatever else fans and literary enthusiasts use to communicate with other fans and literary enthusiasts these days?

Does anyone read blogs anymore? 

I haven't run out of things to talk about, and recently I've been feeling nostalgic about this form of writing. I haven't become any less of a Janeite, even if I've become a little less loud about it. 

So if you're out there, and may be interested in this blog still, do let me know. You never know what will happen. 

And if, as I suspect, blogs have pretty much died--well, I guess it never hurts to shout out into the void.


Ruth said...

Hello there!

I'm a youngling, but (I hope) a kindred spirit, an old soul, if you will. I discovered the likes of your blog and Miss Dashwood's about a year ago. I read through archives voraciously and bemoaned my youngness that I should have missed such fun. I do have a blog, now, and I don't believe blogging is as dead as you think. The blogging friends I've come to know are dear and delightful souls. I would be thrilled if you returned to blogging, really I would. I know this post was directed towards the "originals" of which I am not one, but I thought I'd pop in anyways.

God bless!

Melody said...

Thank you SO MUCH for responding! Seriously, you don't know how it brightened my evening. I very much appreciate your encouragement, and actually, my post wasn't meant to be directed only towards "originals", but rather, anyone at all. New or old, I don't care, as long as I have an audience. ;)

Ruth said...

I'm so glad 😄 It would be such fun if you got back into blogging; you'll have at least one reader!

Miss March said...

I am still a great fan of blogs, and this style of writing. I'm constantly saying to myself that I want to get back into blogging myself, but seeing as I've been saying that for several years without much result, I am doubtful whether I will ever actually do it. :P Still, I enjoy reading other people's posts when I have a chance, and I would love to read more from you!

(Also, I highly approve of your choice of picture for this post! I've always found Winnie the Pooh to be extremely helpful for illustrating blog posts. :))

February said...

Hi! I was feeling so nostalgic too today and I decided to check up on your blog (I like re-reading some of your posts) and I screamed when I saw that you had posted! I check up on your blog monthly, and honestly didn't realize you had posted again after that book review. I wanted to comment to let you know that you have readers! On my part atleast <3 hope you are doing well!

Lizzie Hexam said...

As someone who is behind the times enough to still use VHS tapes on occasion, I would love to see you continue writing this blog ;) (I've already read all of your archives!) Like Ruth, I felt disappointed that I entered the blogging world apparently too late, but I've come upon some lovely blogs and bloggers and have been very happy to find that the blogging world isn't as dead as I thought.

All that to say, if you do decide to keep posting here, I will definitely be reading!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I was actually thinking of starting a blog!
~ Miss Evelyn

Anonymous said...

Hello Lizzie,
Welcome to the blogging world! I’m just setting up my blog now ☺️
~Miss Evelyn

Miss Evelyn said...

Hello Melody! Lovely to meet you! It’s Miss Evelyn here and I thought I’d pop in and say hello. I’ve just started my blog so it’s a joy to see you posting again!

Take care
Miss Evelyn

Miss Evelyn said...

Winnie the Pooh is the best!

Anonymous said...

Tag!! For the Sunshine Blogger Award

~ Miss Evelyn

Ivy Miranda said...

Hi Melody : ) I totally get where you're coming from when it comes to the nostalgia of blogs. I remember when I got my blog in mid-2011 and Blogger was ablaze with home-school blogs. It was fantastic and I loved reading all the blogs I could find. Between 2006 and 2016 was the heyday for Blogging. However, kids grow up, they graduate, get married, etc. the real world comes into focus. And unfortunately what really ended Blogger was the advent of Instagram which people ended up switching to for they day to day life writings.

All that to say, is you're not alone. I totally miss the fun and vibe of the Blogger days between 2011 and 2016. And I'm noticing that new young bloggers are beginning to emerge too. So I wouldn't go straight to saying that blogging is dead, but it definitely has had its golden days. And with all the negativity that happens quite frequently on social media sites, people may want to return to the privacy and freedom of writing their thoughts on blogs.

Amy Dashwood said...

Oh hey there, I'm still here, just not often!

Would you rather hear the story...

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