
Blog Buttons

This page used to contain only buttons that linked to my blog, but I am combining purposes (one can only have so many pages!) and we will now have three sections: my blog buttons, blogs I read, and blogging awards I've won and want to keep for posterity. :)

My Blog Buttons

Regency Delight ~Jane Austen, etc.~
Regency Delight ~Jane Austen, etc.~ 

Regency Delight ~Jane Austen, etc.~ 
Thanks for linking to me!

Some Favorite Blogs
and bloggers

Yet Another Period Drama Blog
Miss Amy Dashwood
Old-Fashioned Charm
Miss Laurie

Classic Ramblings

Blog Game Awards

Emma game at Wonderland Creek

Elegance of Fashion

P&P Trivia Expert at Elegance of Fashion

Period Drama Trivia Challenge
3rd place
Elegance of Fashion