
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Well, I'd like to fly and spit diamonds, but that don't make it so."

Annnnnnd we're back!  Here to tell the tea shop story, as requested.  This is our last day together (SOB)-- in point of fact, we have but forty-five minutes remaining before we have to leave for the airport--so we shall make this snappy and try not to weep and wail too much.  (This is Amy.)

Well, then, tell the story. And don't forget the goatee. (This is Melody.)

I'll begin if you want me to, but I make no promises about shoving the laptop at you and saying, "Your turn."  :D

So it all happened on July 10th, when we went to the Pemberley Mall together to do what teenage girls do at malls (and a great deal that most teenage girls don't do).  We call it the Pemberley Mall because that was not actually its name, and we happen to like naming things after Jane Austen Stuff.  Let's see, what all did we do at the mall? *shoves laptop*

Heh, heh, well, SOME of it I think should stay 'tween you and me.  Muwahahaha. *wink wink*

Oh very well, but we can at least tell some of the less embarrassing stuff.  Like making faces to match that Grumpy Cat t-shirt?  And the old coot who walked by while you were making your grumpy face and told you to smile? 

Oh, good grief. Apparently old coots have a habit of saying that to me. :P

Okay, well, we were walking by this shop that had a really dumb name regarding teas, which we won't share here in case it's not a chain and some of you might look it up and figure out where Melody lives.  Heh heh heh.  Anyways, they had some free samples on the edge between the store and the mall hall or whatever you call it, and so we decided to sample some, and THEN....

THEN he was like the Spirit of Christmas Present except more quiet. You know, "COME IN AND KNOW ME BETTER, MAN!"

Okay, that's a little freaky sounding.  It wasn't quite that bad.  More like, "Pleeeeeeease come in and sample more teeeeeeeeeeea."  This dude was an employee, by the by.  Whom we suspect strongly of working on commission.

Indubitably.  He had all the sales lines down, too. "This is our most expennnnsive teeeea. Connoisseurs think it quite diviiiine." *strokes little goatee on tip of chin*

Wait, you have a goatee, Miss M????

Not me, silly. Him.

"Him?  Who him?"

Okay, so when we were still standing kind of outside the shop (he came along and decided to assist us with sampling the two teas by the doorway) and after giving us some, he looks us over and says "Hmmm, you girls seem very conservative."  And we were like... o.O

I can't decide which of our multiple body piercings, tattoos and dyed hair gave him that impression... anyways, we said, "And you look like a weirdie."

Thought. She means thought. :P

Technicalities, technicalities.

You know I like to be technical when it suits my purposes. ;)

Anyway, after those two samples he kept taking us in farther, crisscrossing back and forth along the two tables and giving us more tiny samples of tea. Which tasted quite expensive.  However, Amy rather liked the tea (as did I, but she is more of a tea person than I am), and wanted to know how much it was. Heh, heh, heh. 

"No, don't ask," said I.  "There aren't any prices anywhere. That means it must be ridiculously expensive." 

But I do not listen to reason, at least not when it suits me not to, and I asked the dude how much the tea cost.  After all, I am more adventurous than my friend.  (Ha... that was another strange remark he made, when I tried this Strawberry Champagne stuff [IT WAS NOT ACTUALLY CHAMPAGNE] and Melody primly refused.)  As it turns out, the cheapest kind was $64 per pound.  "Oh dear saints above, I shall swoooooooon."

And I just kind of stood there like "I told you sooooo." Then we fled out as soon as possible. 

And giggled about it as we moved through the rest of the mall.  We're still giggling about it, in point of fact.  Giggling is what we do best.  Poor fool, he makes us laugh.


Um, we've been singing that line ALL WEEK.  Like, every few minutes.  And everything fits that tune, too. 

We must wrap this up so that we can spend time together other than tapping and sniggering. Which is of course fun, but you know. THE TIME IS RUNNING DOWWWWN.  

So here. Wrap it. :P

You peoples reading this must understand that this has been the best week of our lives.  I don't think I exaggerate, and if I do, it is not my own fault, is it, Mrs. Allen?

My dear, you tumble my gown. (But you do not exaggerate. :D)

We have had so much fun and done so many things, which we hope to tell you about in the near future, but we have not the time today.  For instance, the tale of being on the trampoline after one AM last night (er, this morning) when Melody's papa came downstairs and nearly locked us out of the house...

Hahahahaha. More on that later. ;)

But for now... we shall have to say farewell.  So long, farewell and all that jazz.  GOOOOOO! GO NOW AND LEEEEEEEEAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Let us not have tears. Partings are a natural part of life.

To ease the pain of this news, I have glad tidings. We shall adjourn early this afternoon, make our way to the Spurgeon farm, where Moody's parents have consented to host a celebration in honor of my departure.

...Nobody told ME.

P.S.  The post title is a quote from the Road to Avonlea episode "Hearts and Flowers," which we watched together, and the quote has nothing to do with this post but we found it funny.  :D


  1. Sounds like a blast. =) Especially the part about jumping on the trampoline until 1 am. x) I love Road to Avonlea..! I recognized the title right away. Gotta love Gus. =)

  2. I'm glad you girls had so much fun! Through the weeks I was looking forward to your posts together!

  3. I love the final picture of your hair! I should have taken pictures like that of my best friend and I when we were like ten, because our hair was exactly the same length back then. Great idea!

    I'm so glad you had great time.

  4. Sounds like you girls had a marvelous time! I vastly enjoyed the tea shop story. =)

    Your pictures are so cute! May I ask which is Amy and which is Melody? Whose hair is the darker, and whose the lighter?

  5. Evelyn,
    Haha, yep, Gus is hilarious. And I'm thrilled that you know and love RTA!!

    Thanks! We did indeed. You must be glad to have her back.

    Thank you! :) Still interested to hear the story of you and the friend you met in real life after blogging, by the way... ;)

    We did indeed! Ha, and we enjoyed the tea shop story too, after the awkwardness was passed. ;) (Even during, actually, I was thinking "Hahaha... we are going to have so much fun making fun of this later...)
    Heehee, I'm awfully tempted to ask you to guess! ;) But perhaps you were tell me whether your suspicion is correct when I just tell you... I am the one with the darker hair. ;)

  6. Oh, yes, it's so much fun when, even in the middle of a slightly uncomfortable situation, you know it'll be so funny later!

    Well, I have an old acquaintance named Amy with dark curly hair, and I also know a Melody with lighter brown curly hair, so I knew there was no reason for me to lean that way (since you aren't the same Melody and Amy that your hair reminds me of) but that's probably what I would have guessed anyway, so I would have been wrong. ;)

    You both have beautiful hair! My own hair has been stick-straight ever since I was 7-8 (I did have curls until then) so I am quite envious. =P

  7. Oh yeah! I'll have to ask my friend if it's okay with her for me to share our story.

  8. Sounds like you had a blast together! The tea episode sounds super funny-I'm sure it was better in person.

  9. Hilarious. The two of you...
    I just can't picture Melody primly refusing the sample of tea-ha.
    I love those Anne quotes at the end. ;-)
    "Let us not have tears..."

  10. Lizzie,
    Ah, I see! :) My hair actually isn't curly at all--I just have it curled on the ends in that picture. But it's not the kind that dries perfectly straight, either. It gets all oddly-bumpy if I don't use a hair dryer or something. And then it gets all slippery and hard to work with. It's quite annoying.
    Haha, anyways. :D

    Thanks! :)

    Hahaha, you're being sarcastic about the tea sample, I presume. ;) And we were quite frequent quoters of all things Anne. All things anything, actually, but of course Anne is deeply imprinted into both of us. ;D

  11. Oh, I'm impressed! It looks very natural to me. To curl my hair is quite a task, my hair doesn't like to cooperate with much. ;) Well, anyway, your hair is very pretty!


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