
Sunday, August 26, 2012


This is it! It's the moment we've all been waiting for! Um... well, a moment I've been waiting for anyways.



I went away from home last week with 98 followers, and when I came back I was thrilled to see this:


Lots of thanks to everyone who follows!


  1. Yay!!! Congrats m'dear! You deserve it! Here's to more fun blogging in the future! :D

    P.S. Hope you have a lovely vacation! Can't wait to hear all about it!


    *turns a rather unsuccessful somersault and grumbles something about being out of practice*

    Annnnnnd contrary to popular belief *glares at email that said popular belief--or YOUR belief anyways, which is usually not popular belief ANIRA*, I DO remembah what it's like to get 100 followers. Just as you remembahed what it's like to start blogging and get that very first follower. :D

    Anyways. You definitely deserve everyone and I'm so happpppppppy for you! SQUEEEEE!

    Also. Love your new profile picture. Know I said that. But sayin' it again. :D (Lorna reminds me of someone... can't think who... :P)

  3. Congratulations, Melody!! This is indeed quite swellacious. Haha! : )Oh, and I just noticed your new profile picture. VERY lovely. I just watched Lorna Doone for the first time this weekend and I quite adored it. Lorna is loveliness itself. You two do look alike. : )
    Congrats again!

  4. Ooooooh!

    Congratulations, dearie! *clapclapclap*

  5. Miss Laurie,
    Thank you! We did indeed have a lovely vacation. :) I shall be emailing you soon!

    Haha... your somersault thing made me laugh. ;)
    *Lydia-snort* Ha, quite right, my belief is not usually the popular believe, tootuz I am a most Ferocious Radical. :P
    Anyways. You know I must teaze you sometimes, dear. ;)
    Actually, you didn't say you loved THIS profile picture, you mentioned the one on Gmail. So thank you. :) It might be rather odd to have a picture of someone who's teary-eyed, but I just liked the way she looked in that one... LIMM.

    Thank you! :)
    Swellacious, hahaha... indubitably. ;) I'm glad you enjoyed Lorna Doone! It's such fun to discover a new period drama! (By the way, you still need to watch Little Dorrit. Heeehee.) I liked Lorna's looks muchly, so I feel pleased that Some say she looks a little like me. ;-)

    Maria Elisabeth,
    (Grrr, still haven't thought of a name for you...)
    Thank you! *curtsies*

  6. Um, Amy, before you can correct me, I meant popular BELIEF. :P

  7. Woooooooow! you know you now have 200! :D


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